Here is a handy chart from the author of In the Mission, outlining Gospel quotes that are relevant to the question of gay marriage. In the Mission is a mystery/adventure novel in which the difference between the actual text of the Gospels and its interpretation in Christian tradition takes center stage. Enjoy reading and leave comments! NOTE: Hover above the STOP signs to show the textual quote.


Scripture taken from the NEW AMERICAN STANDARD BIBLE®, Copyright © 1960,1962,196
3,1968,1971,1972,1973,1975,1977,1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.

alt_cover_design_final-cover_miniFather Christopher is blessed. He is lazy, he likes people, and he is not interested in sex: being a priest is the perfect job for him. In the late eighties, he is entrusted with the care of a flock of misfits and unfortunates in San Francisco. Disease, death, tragedy surround him. He also witnesses small miracles, acts of kindness and love, friendships deeper than he knew.

Suddenly, a parishioner's young boy is kidnapped without a trace. Mysterious clues appear, hinting at the culprit and the tragic fate that is awaiting the child - if Father Christopher can't solve the puzzle.

Our hero risks everything to find the child, including his standing with the Church. As the Archbishop frowns, Father Christopher is forced to examine the religion he has known since childhood, realizing that there is a lot more to the stories in the Gospels than the Church has ever let on.

  • Was it really Judas who betrayed Jesus?
  • Why wasn't Joseph present when Jesus died?
  • Is it true that Jesus killed once?
  • Was St. Peter the first pope?
  • Did Jesus sanction gay marriage?

Unless Father Christopher finds the true answer to these questions, the child is going to suffer. Watch the religion you have known introduce itself again as the mysteries of the Gospel texts are revealed, digging deep into a text two thousand years old. It's a race against the clock - will Father Christopher solve the last puzzle before the child is irreparably harmed?

Order your copy of In the Mission  today! By tomorrow, you will be drawn into a world of mystery and adventure, reading about things you thought familiar with a new eye. Just like Father Christopher, you will learn that you can look at a sentence a thousand times and never realize its true meaning; that you can find a religion that is kind to you and holy, one that has been hidden from you.

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Barnes & Noble Nook
Amazon Paperback
Barnes & Noble Paperback

alt_cover_design_final-cover_miniIn the thousands of verses in the Bible, six deal with homosexuality. None of them deals with gay marriage. Is that really possible? Jesus must have had an opinion!

Father Christopher is blessed. He is lazy, he likes people, and he is not interested in sex: being a priest is the perfect job for him. In the late eighties, he is entrusted with the care of a flock of misfits and unfortunates in San Francisco. Disease, death, tragedy surround him. He also witnesses small miracles, acts of kindness and love, friendships deeper than he knew.

Suddenly, a parishioner's young boy is kidnapped without a trace. Mysterious clues appear, hinting at the culprit and the tragic fate that is awaiting the child - if Father Christopher can't solve the puzzle.

Our hero risks everything to find the child, including his standing with the Church. As the Archbishop frowns, Father Christopher is forced to see his own religion in a new light.

  • Did Jesus allow two people of the same sex to get married?
  • Did Jesus object to gay people?
  • What did Jesus do when a gay man asked Him for help?
  • What did He say about that man?

Order your copy of In the Mission  today! By tomorrow, you will be drawn into a world of mystery and adventure, reading about things you thought familiar with a new eye. Just like Father Christopher, you will learn that you can look at a sentence a thousand times and never realize its true meaning; that you can find a religion that is kind to you and holy, one that has been hidden from you.

Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble Nook
Amazon Paperback
Barnes & Noble Paperback

alt_cover_design_final-cover_miniOf the thousands of pages in the Bible, the words and deeds of Jesus cover just over one hundred. In a day's read, hidden in plain sight, read every week by millions, are secrets and mysteries more powerful than ever before imagined.

When a  parishioner's son is kidnapped, Father Christopher is roused to action. Mysterious clues point at the culprit and the location. They also spell out trouble: torture and death for a young boy if the priest can't solve the puzzle.

But Father Christopher is lazy. He never paid any attention in seminar, getting by on good looks and charm alone. How is he supposed to know the answer to questions like:

  • Who was the one that Jesus killed?
  • How did Jesus's father, Joseph disappear?
  • Did Judas really betray Jesus? Or was it someone else?

To save the child from certain death, Father Christopher will have to revisit all he knows about the Gospels. He will have to actually read them as carefully as few of us have done. And before him unfold secrets hidden in plain sight, two-thousand years old, the original bargain of the newborn Church.

Order your copy of In the Mission  today! By tomorrow, you will be drawn into a world of mystery and adventure, reading about things you thought familiar with a new eye. Just like Father Christopher, you will learn that you can look at a sentence a thousand times and never realize its true meaning.

Amazon Kindle
Barnes & Noble Nook
Amazon Paperback
Barnes & Noble Paperback

Lamat is one of the day signs in the Mayan Short calender. According to the sources, it signifies the Rabbit Star (also known as Venus) and is one of the four Southernly Stars of the Mayan calendar. It is a star that, according to the Maya, was auspicious to new ventures; one that symbolized community and exploration.

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The ground-breaking mystery novel, In the Mission fulfills its goal of entertaining and educating on many different levels.alt_cover_design_final-cover_mini While on the surface it is a mystery novel in the tradition of The Name of the Rose or The Da Vinci Code, In the Mission is also a love story of a different kind. However much love is always center stage, though, it is the boldness of the rediscovery process of ancient Gospel texts that builds the foundation layer on which both the mystery and the love story rest.

The fundamental question of Christianity - what did Jesus mean? - superimposes itself on the fundamental question of humanity - why do we love, and how? It is only by realizing that both questions need to be answered differently than before that Christopher DeLonghi, a young priest from rural Oregon, can help solve a mysterious kidnapping. A child is in danger of being tortured to death, and the only way to find him is to decipher clues scribbled by a toddler.

Can you help Father Chris? Do you know:

  • Who is the only one killed by Jesus
  • What are God's greatest gifts to men?
  • Who is the real betrayer, who is the real betrayed in the Gospels?
  • Why did Joseph really disappear from the Gospels?

Please, help Father Christopher - he desperately needs someone that knows more than he does!

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Barnes & Noble Paperback Paperback (much more expensive!)

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